Tag: arbitration

  • Case of the Day: DRC v. Honduras

    The case of the day is DRC, Inc. v. Republic of Honduras (D.D.C. 2014). I last covered the case back in March 2011. DRC had a contract with Fondo Hondureño de Inversión Social (“FHIS”) for construction of water and wastewater projects in the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch. FHIS was a “sub-entity” of the Republic of……

  • Lago Agrio: Update On The Arbitral Award

    As I suggested a few days ago, the Lago Agrio plaintiffs have trumpeted their intention to seek to compel the government of Ecuador to pay the $100+ million arbitral award in favor of Chevron, which is now final, to the LAPs rather than to Chevron. I am still trying to determine what happened to the……

  • Case of the Day: Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp.

    The case of the day is Republic of Ecuador v. Chevron Corp. (Hoge Raad 2014). The Dutch Supreme Court affirmed the BIT arbitral award against Ecuador, which arose out of Chevron’s claim that it had suffered damages on account of undue delay in the settlement of lawsuits TexPet (of which Chevron was a shareholder) had……

  • Case of the Day: Diag Human v. Czech Ministry of Health

    The case of the day is Diag Human S.E. v. Czech Republic Ministry of Health (D.D.C. 2014). Diag Human was a Liechtenstein corporation. Its business, in the late twentieth century, was helping “currency-deficient Eastern Bloc states … acquire modern blood plasma technology.” After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Diag Human began to do business……

  • Case of the Day: Clientron Corp. v. Devon IT, Inc.

    The case of the day, Clientron Corp. v. Devon IT, Inc. (E.D. Pa. 2014), seems flagrantly wrong. The facts were simple enough. Clientron was a Taiwan corporation. It had a contract with Devon, a Pennsylvania corporation, for the manufacture and delivery of computer components. The contract had an arbitration agreement. A dispute arose, and Clientron……