Tag: animal-rights

  • Chimpanzee Habeas!

    The Nonhuman Right Project, fresh off another loss in its elephant habeas quest, filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in Michigan, supposedly on behalf of chimpanzees held at the DeYoung Family Zoo. The legal issues are in my view the same whether the non-human animal in question is an elephant or a……

  • A New Elephant Habeas Case

    Steven Wise’s Nonhuman Rights Project has brought a new habeas corpus petition on behalf of three elephants in the Fresno Zoo. It’s pretty much exactly like his last habeas corpus petition for an elephant in Fresno, except that he has filed it in an appellate court instead of a superior court, and except that he……

  • Elephant Habeas: New York’s High Court Rejects “Elephants Are Persons” Nonsense

    Let me stipulate at the beginning that elephants are magnificent animals who have been treated badly by us human beings for a long time. We have hunted them for ivory, reduced their habitat, and mistreated them in captivity in the circus and in some zoos. I say some zoos because Happy, the elephant at the……