Case of the Day: L’Institute National De L’Audiovisuel v. Kultur International Films, Ltd.
The Paris Commercial Court goes two for two with today’s case of the day, L’Institute National De L’Audiovisuel v. Kultur International Films, Ltd. (D.N.J. 2012). INA is the repository of all French government audio and audiovisual archives, and it owns the copyright for many of the recordings. Kultur is a distributor of audiovisual recordings of……
Welcome to Aldricus!
I would like to welcome a new blog to the private international law blogosphere. It’s called Aldricus, named for a medieval glossator, and it is run by Pietro Franzina, a professor at the University of Ferrara. So far the focus is on European developments. I give Aldricus a hearty “Benvenuti nella blogosfera”!
Criticisms of the Chevron/Ecuador BIT Arbitration
Third-Party Letters Criticizing the BIT Arbitration Several letters were made public in recent days criticizing the arbitration between Ecuador and Chevron under the US/Ecuador bilateral investment treaty. Here are the letters I’m aware of. Letters Addressed to Secretary-General Ban Letter from José Daniel Amado. Mr. Amado is a Peruvian lawyer. Letter from the Comisión Andina……
Case of the Day: Berkenhoff GmbH v. Global Trade Network, Inc.
The case of the day is Berkenhoff GmbH v. Global Trade Network, Inc. (S.D. Ohio 2012). The parties had a licensing dispute over a patent relating to electric discharge machining wire used in precision cutting. The parties arbitrated the dispute in Frankfurt. The award was in Berkenhoff’s favor, and Berkenhoff sought to confirm the award……
Peter H. Pfund on Federalism and U.S. Participation in Unification of Private Law
I want to draw readers’ attention to interesting remarks by Peter H. Pfund on Federalism and U.S. Participation in Intergovernmental Efforts to Unify Private Law, in 56 Vill. L. Rev. 559 (2011), which I’ve just had the chance to read. Mr. Pfund was an assistant legal advisor for private international law in the Office of……