Deadline Comes and Goes in the Lago Agrio Case
On July 30, the Ecuadoran court entered an order in the Lago Agrio case. There is no translation available yet, but according to a website affiliated with the plaintiffs, ChevronToxico, the order imposed an August 6 deadline on Chevron to deposit funds necessary to remediate the oil contamination for which the Ecuadoran court found Chevron……
Update on the Renewal of Ecuador’s Trade Preferences
I previously noted that Chevron had put some pressure on Ecuador by lobbying the US Trade Representative to report to Congress that Ecuador no longer met the eligibility criteria under the Andean Trade Preference Act, under which many Ecuadoran exports to the United States enjoy favorable duties. Chevron pointed to Ecuador’s refusal to obey the……
Please Nominate Letters Blogatory For The ABA Blawg 100
Readers, I don’t ask for much. Once a year, though, I do ask for your nomination for the ABA Blawg 100, a list of the 100 best legal blogs. Since this is Letters Blogatory’s second year of existence, this is the second time I’ve asked. I didn’t make the cut last year, but hope springs……
Case of the Day: Corraro v. Moody International
The case of the day is Corraro v. Moody International (N.D. Okla. 2012). The plaintiff, Vickie F. Corrara, sued Moody International, also known as Intertek, for sexual harassment during her employment with Moody. Moody was a UK entitly. For reasons that are unclear, Corraro’s lawyer addressed the summons to Intertek Testing Services, a subsidiary of……
Case of the Day: Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. v. Grand China Shipping (Hong Kong) Co.
The case of the day is Hyundai Merchant Marine Co. v. Grand China Shipping (Hong Kong) Co. (S.D. Ala. 2012). According to the complaint, Hyundai chartered the vessel Global Commander to Grand China for approximately $60,000 per day for a period of 59 to 61 months. Hyundai claimed that Grand China owed nearly $20 million……