Case of the Day: In re O’Keeffe
The case of the day is In re O’Keeffe (3d Cir. 2016). I’ve written about the case before. Kate O’Keeffe was a reporter with the Wall Street Journal. She wrote an article that described casino magnate Sheldon Adelson as “foul-mouthed.” Adelson sued for defamation in Hong Kong, and O’Keeffe sought issuance of a subpoena to……
Case of the Day: In re Frau R
The case of the day, courtesy of Peter Bert of Taylor Wessing, is In re Frau R (German Fed. Constitutional Ct. 2015). Yes, I know that’s not the proper form for citing German cases, but it will have to do. Frau R., a Romanian national, sued a Romanian widow for a share of her dead……
Case of the Day: In re Application of Laos
The case of the day is In re Application of the Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (D.N.M.I. 2016). The Laotian government was partners with Sanum Investments Ltd. and Lao Holdings N.V. in the Savan Vegas casino, which was located in Laos. As part of the deal, Laos had given tax benefits and a……
Case of the Day: PJS v. News Group Newspapers Ltd.
The case of the day is PJS v. News Group Newspapers Ltd., [2016] EWCA Civ 100. PJS is a well-known English entertainer. No, I will not tell you who he is—it’s easy to find out on the web if you like. YAM was his spouse, also an entertainer. PJS and YAM had young children. PJS……
Case of the Day: MyECheck v. Titan
The case of the day is MyECheck, Inc. v. Titan International Securities, Inc. (E.D. Cal. 2016). MyECheck claimed that it was the victim of a securities fraud perpetrated by Titan and Sweetsun Intertrade, Inc., both located in Belize. MyECheck served process by having a Belizean lawyer serve the documents on the defendants’ registered agents. After……