Case of the Day: Mutual Benefits Offshore Fund v. Zeltser
The case of the day is Mutual Benefits Offshore Fund v. Zeltser (N.Y. App. Div. 2016). Eagle-eyed reader Ira Matetsky of Ganfer & Shore in New York sent it along. The facts of the case were not reported. The holding: the First Department of the Appellate Division, which hears cases from Manhattan, reversed its earlier……
Lago Agrio: Supreme Court Denies Cert. In Chevron-Ecuador Arbitration
On Monday, the Supreme Court denied Ecuador’s petition for a writ of certiorari in the BIT arbitration brought by Chevron arising out of undue delay in the settlement of lawsuits TexPet (of which Chevron was a shareholder) had brought against Ecuador in the early 1990s.
Case of the Day: Probulk Carriers v. Marvel International
The case of the day is Probulk Carriers Ltd. v. Marvel International Management and Transportation (S.D.N.Y. 2016). The underlying case was for breach of a charter party. Arbitration in London yielded an award in favor of Probulk, and the court in New York had entered a default judgment recognizing and enforcing the award and providing……
The Judgments Convention: In America’s Interest
President Obama gave a speech last week at the Air Force Academy that reminded listeners of the importance of treaties in the national interest. In addition to remarks about well-known treaties in areas like defense and the law of the sea, he had this to say about lesser-known treaties that help facilitate everyday life and……
Case of the Day: Comcast v. Hourani
The case of the day is Comcast Cable Communications, LLC v. Hourani (D.D.C. 2016). Issam Hourani was plaintiff in a libel action in England against PsyberSolutions LLC, Allison Blair, Alistair Thomson, and Bryan McCarthy. The claim was that the defendants had falsely asserted that Hourani was involved in the abduction, torture, rape, and murder of……