Case of the Day: Lunn v. Commonwealth
It’s not really on-topic, but I want to tell you about an interesting decision from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court yesterday, Lunn v. Commonwealth (Mass. 2017). Sreynuon Lunn was arraigned on a charge of robbery in the Boston Municipal Court. Bail was set at $1,500, and because Lunn could not post bail, he was committed……
Jared Hubbard on the Texas Loophole
I’m happy to welcome new commenter Jared Hubbard to Letters Blogatory! Jared has a practice in Newburyport, and before that was most recently an associate with White & Case. He knows whereof he writes, because he’s admitted to practice in Texas, and he was counsel to OPEC in the Freedom Watch case, which I’ve covered……
Case to Watch: In re Abu Zubaydah
Readers, you will want to keep an eye on In re Application of Zayn Al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn (Abu Zabaydah), a really interesting § 1782 application pending in the Eastern District of Washington. Abu Zabaydah was a key figure in the government’s pre- and post-9/11 efforts to fight Al Qaeda. I’m not going to detail the……
Case of the day: Thai-Lao Lignite v. Laos
The case of the day is Thai-Lao Lignite (Thailand) Co. v. Government of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2d Cir. 2017). I’ve written about the case before. Here was my description of the facts:
Case of the Day: Kriegman v. Slanina
The case of the day is Kriegman v. Slanina (In re LLS America, LLC) (E.D. Wash. 2017). We don’t really know what the case was about, but the court had entered a default judgment against Slanina, and Slanina had then appeared and sought to vacate the judgment on service of process grounds.