Political Speculation of the Day: Ecuador, Chevron, Assange, and the USTR
Many news reports have recently suggested that the Ecuadoran government is on the verge of expelling Julian Assange from its embassy in London. Back in 2012, there was a suggestion that Ecuador’s preferential trading relationship with the US might be put at risk on account of the Assange affair. I am unaware of any direct……
At Last: A Draft UN Treaty on Business and Human Rights
Longtime guest poster Doug Cassel comments on the recently released draft of a treaty on business and human rights. Drafting a viable, meaningful, United Nations treaty on business and human rights would be daunting in the best of circumstances. It is even more challenging in the context of the current effort underway in Geneva. The……
Case of the Day: Wright v. Old Gringo
The case of the day is Wright v. Old Gringo Inc. (S.D. Cal. 2018). The plaintiff wanted to serve process on the defendant in Mexico and brought a motion to appoint a particular “vendor” as “international process server.” “Plaintiff has diligently explored all service options,” the plaintiff’s motion intoned, “and determined that the only manner……
Case of the Day: Dahman v. Embassy of Qatar
The case of the day is Dahman v. Embassy of the State of Qatar (D.D.C. 2018). El-Sayed Dahman, an Egyptian national who lived in Virginia, was employed by the Qatari Embassy as its chief accountant. When he turned 65, the Embassy discharged him. There was no question that his age was the reason for the……
Authenticating Digital Evidence
While reading the paper on Sunday I noticed an interesting ad. A company called Surety, LLC had published two base64-encoded values. What is this? Is it the modern version of a coded “personals” ad from an Alan Furst novel, where it’s some spy’s job to read the ads every day and then to spring into……