Month: January 2021

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Steven Loble on the Future of IJA

    I would like to thank Ted for the opportunity to contribute to Letters Blogatory. I admire Ted for his hard work, dedication, and discipline in producing quality and topical writings. It is not easy to write so regularly. International judicial assistance is a huge topic, so I have chosen to deal with just one aspect……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Peter Bert on the Future of IJA

    Ted’s invitation to share some thoughts about the future of international judicial assistance (IJA) comes at a time when I experience, for the first time, a step backwards in that field: The Brexit Deal between the European Union and the United Kingdom, which in my view is a “sectoral hard Brexit” for civil judicial assistance.……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Aaron Lukken on the Future of IJA

    When Ted asked me to offer thoughts on developments in IJA in the coming decade, it took no brainstorming to come up with a topic. I drew from a panel at the Peace Palace in The Hague some 137 years ago (before a microbe obliterated travel), which Ted moderated. The topic of the conference: innovation……

  • Tenth Anniversary Post: Javier Ochoa on the Future of IJA

    On the tenth anniversary of Letters Blogatory, my colleague Ted Folkman (to whom I express my admiration and gratitude for his brilliant and hard work with this blog) invited me to write some comments on international judicial assistance (IJA) ten years from now. I am not drawing a line here between what I wish, what……

  • I Am Uninterested in Pearl-clutching

    Anyone who thinks Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, etc. wanted to ban Donald Trump and other accounts promoting violent sedition from their platforms because these companies, among the largest in the world, are left-wing political partisans aimed at attacking conservatism is not seeing things straight. They have had years to ban him, and besides, having Mr. Trump……