Tag: Hague Judgments Convention

  • New Draft Explanatory Report on the Judgments Convention

    The HCCH has released a revised draft explanatory report on the Judgments Convention, prepared by Prof. Francisco Garcimartín and Prof. Geneviève Saumier. In the current political climate, it is very difficult to imagine the President, who likes to tear up treaties with abandon, signing let alone ratifying the new Convention when it is promulgated.

  • Judgment Convention Update

    The Judgment Convention continues its progress towards a final text. The special commission on the proposed convention will meet again in the Hague later this month, and a preliminary document (I’ve attached the redlined version) shows some of the proposed approaches to difficult issues.

  • The Judgments Convention: In America’s Interest

    President Obama gave a speech last week at the Air Force Academy that reminded listeners of the importance of treaties in the national interest. In addition to remarks about well-known treaties in areas like defense and the law of the sea, he had this to say about lesser-known treaties that help facilitate everyday life and……

  • The Judgments Convention Takes A Big Step

    It seems crazy to talk about the Judgments Convention when the prospects for the Choice of Court Agreements Convention, which should be an easier lift, seem so grim. But the Hague Conference has recently taken big steps towards a Judgments Convention with the publication of a proposed draft text, with an explanatory note. A Special……

  • More on the Draft Judgments Convention In The Light Of COCA

    I wanted to add a few comments to my observations about the new draft text of a Judgments Convention from yesterday: