Unfair Criticism of the Day: ABC News on the Hague Child Abduction Convention
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation published a story last week on the Hague Child Abduction Convention. The headline gives a sense of the gist of the story: “Mothers forced to stay in same country as abuser or risk persecution under the Hague Convention.” The Convention, according to one quoted expert, is a “good law gone bad.”……
Blogatory Pet Peeve: Airport Wifi Surveillance
I’d like to vent today about a problem I’ve known about for a while but that I encountered again today. Bear with me: even understanding the problem requires a bit of set-up. Continue Reading Blogatory Pet Peeve: Airport Wifi Surveillance
Case of the Day: Sulzer Mixpac v. Medenstar Industries
The case of the day is Sulzer Mixpac AG v. Medenstar Industries Co. (S.D.N.Y. 2015). Sulzer Mixpac, a Swiss corporation, sued Medenstar, a Chinese company, for trademark infringement, patent infringement, and related claims. It transmitted a request for service to the Chinese central authority in March 2015, but in November, the central authority informed Sulzer……
The Special Commission on Service by Email, Part 1
The Special Commission on the practical operation of the Service, Evidence, and Access to Justice Conventions has just completed its 2024 meeting and, at last, taken on the issue of service by email under the Hague Service Convention. Its conclusions are welcome and should have a significant influence on US courts’ decisions, which in recent……
Case of the Day: Noco Co. v. Shenzen Dika Na’Er E-Commerce Co.
The case of the day is Noco Co. v. Shenzen Dika Na’Er E-Commerce Co. (N.D. Ohio 2017). Noco sued Shenzen Dika, a Chinese company, for patent infringement. The claim was that the defendant was selling infirnging products on Amazon. Noco “attempted to ascertain a physical address, email address or other contact information by searching Defendants……